NYU Semantics Group

We are an informal talk series focusing on semantics and related subfields. Meetings take place at 10 am on Fridays, in room 103 of 10 Washington Place, unless noted otherwise. Talks are 60 minutes in length, followed by a 30 minute Q&A session.

To contact the organizers or to subscribe to the NYU semantics mailing list, please email semantics-group[at]nyu.edu.

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Fall 2024

Spring 2024

  • Wednesday, May 15. 10:00am - 11:30am
    Haoze Li (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
    Embedded questions as definite descriptions: An insight from Japanese abstract

  • Wednesday, May 1. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Milica Denić (Tel Aviv University)
    Semantic typology: Disentangling cognitive from functional explanations abstract

  • Friday, April 26. 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
    Eli Sharf (University of Santa Cruz)
    What appositives can tell us about referential expressions abstract

  • Wednesday, April 17. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Nina Haslinger (University of Gottingen)
    Using complexity asymmetries to uncover preferences among contextually equivalent meanings abstract

  • Friday, April 12. 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
    Filipe Hisao Kobayashi (University of Pennsylvania)
    Interpreting NPs as predicates of individual conceptsabstract

  • Wednesday, April 3. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Keny Chatain (Institut Jean Nicod)
    Implicature/presupposition interactions in the neo-Gricean traditionabstract

  • Friday, March 15. 3:30pm to 5:00pm.
    NYU Linguistics Open House

  • Wednesday, March 6. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Jad Wehbe (MIT)
    Covert reciprocals: a syntactic account of reciprocal alternationsabstract

  • Wednesday, February 28. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Yimei Xiang (Rutgers)
    A variable-free approach to composing questionsabstract

  • Wednesday, February 21. 10:00am to 11:30am.
    Andrea Beltrama (University of Pennsylvania)
    When is a pizza acceptable? In search of the grammar of mild assessments. abstract

Fall 2023

  • Friday, December 1. 2:00pm to 3:30pm.
    Benjamin Spector (CNRS)
    Reasoning with Quantifiers, Lewisian Imaging and the Confirmation Paradoxabstract

  • Friday, November 3. 3:30pm - 5:00pm.
    Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)
    Recent explanations of universals of the logical vocabulary: the case for communicative efficiencyabstract

  • Thursday, October 12. 12:30pm - 2:00pm.
    Maria Aloni (University of Amsterdam)
    (Non-)specificity across languages (joint work with Marco Degano)abstract
    This talk will take place in the 4th floor Syntax-Semantics lounge.


Spring 2023

  • Tuesday, May 16. 12:30pm-2:00pm.
    Yoad Winter (Utrecht University)
    Countability and measurement in comparativesabstract

  • Tuesday, May 9. 9am-10am.
    Omar Agha (NYU)
    How to Ignore Counterexamples: Homogeneity Across Times and Worldsabstract

  • Friday, May 5. 3:30pm-5:00pm.
    Prerna Nadathur (Ohio State University)
    Modeling progress: causal models and the imperfective paradoxabstract

  • Friday, April 21. 3:30pm-5:00pm.
    Yael Sharvit (UCLA)
    Local presupposition accommodation and the symmetry of disjunctionabstract

  • Friday, April 14. 10am-11:30pm.
    Florian Schwarz (University of Pennsylvania)
    Presupposition Projection and Linear Order: Conjunction, Disjunction, and Beyondabstract

  • Friday, February 24. 10am-11:30pm.
    Amir Anvari (MIT)
    Origins of Conservativity in Principles of Presupposition Projectionabstract

Fall 2022

  • Friday, November 18. 3:30pm-5:00pm. (Virtual)
    Jess Law (UC Santa Cruz)
    To perform or not to performabstract

  • Friday, November 4. 3:30pm-5:00pm.
    Nigel Flower (NYU)
    Witnesses and Existential Disclosureabstract

  • Friday, October 7. 3:30pm-5:00pm.
    Zhuoye Zhao (NYU)
    Mandarin le as a quantificational past-tense morphemeabstract

Spring 2022

  • Friday, June 3. 10:15am-11:15am.
    SALT practice talks
    Linmin Zhang (NYU Shanghai): The presupposition of evenabstract

  • Friday, May 27. 2:00pm-3:30pm, in person @ Room 103
    Klaus von Heusinger (University of Cologne):Discourse dynamics of weak definitesabstract

  • Friday, May 20. 10:15am-11:45am.
    SALT practice talks
    Omar Agha (NYU) & Paloma Jeretič (ZAS Berlin): Weak necessity modals as homogeneous definite pluralsabstract
    Paloma Jeretič (ZAS Berlin): Neg-raising with think as a scaleless implicature

  • Friday, Mar 25. 10:15-11:45am.
    Lisa Hofmann (UC Santa Cruz)
    Sentential Discourse-Negativity abstract

  • Thursday, March 3. 10:15-11:45am.
    Room 202, 5 Washington Pl (NYU Department of Philosophy)
    Lucas Champollion (NYU)
    Negative events and truthmaker semantics abstract handout

  • Friday, Feb 11. 10:15-11:45am.
    Will Merrill (NYU)
    Distributional Learnability of Entailment: Preliminary Theoretical Results abstract

Fall 2021

  • Friday, October 1. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Sebastian Schuster (NYU)
    Discourse entity tracking in neural language models (and humans) abstract

  • Friday, September 17. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Christopher Tancredi (Keio University)
    A One-world I-semantics for Belief Attribution abstract

Spring 2021

  • Friday, May 14. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Justin Bledin (Johns Hopkins)
    Composing Truthmakers (or: Rethinking the Logical Connectives from a N.Y. State Space of Mind)) abstract

  • Friday, April 16. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Ioana Grosu (NYU)
    Possible worlds in Children's Counterfactual Judgments abstract

  • Friday, April 9. 12:00-1:30pm. Zoom meeting.
    Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers)
    The D-2 Theory: A competition-based account of definite expressions

  • Friday, March 26. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Alexandre Cremers (Vilnius University/ENS, Paris)
    Testing Bayesian models of exhaustivity abstract

  • Friday, March 5. 12:00-1:30pm. Zoom meeting.
    Omar Agha (NYU)
    How to ignore counterexamples: Epistemic Sobel sequences and Sufficient Truth abstract

  • Friday, February 12. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Craige Roberts (OSU/Rutgers)
    Imperatives in a dynamic pragmatics abstract

  • Friday, January 29. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Adina Williams (Facebook)
    Unnatural Language Inference abstract

Fall 2020

  • Friday, November 20. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Haoze Li (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
    Relative measurement and scope abstract

  • Friday, November 13. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Hadil Karawani (Konstanz)
    How to derive "you should" from "I would" abstract

  • Friday, October 9. 1:30-3:15pm. Zoom meeting.
    Patrick Elliott (MIT)
    Crossover and the dynamics of negation abstract

  • Friday, September 11. 2:00-3:30pm. Zoom meeting.
    (No presentation)

Spring 2020

  • Friday, May 22. 1:30-3:00pm. Zoom meeting.
    Virginia Dawson (UC Berkeley)
    Deriving obligatory narrow scope disjunction abstract

  • Friday, May 8. 1:30-3:00pm. Zoom meeting.
    Haoze Li (NYU)
    Reference to dependencies in multiple-wh questions abstract

  • Friday, May 1. 12:00-1:30pm. Zoom meeting.
    Harvey Lederman (Princeton)
    Fine-grained semantics for attitude reports abstract

  • Friday, Apr 17. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Masha Esipova (Princeton)
    On iconicity, at-issueness, and composition in pictures abstract

  • Friday, Apr 10. 10:15-11:45am. Zoom meeting.
    Paper discussion: Scope inversion and priming handout
    Chemla & Bott (2015) and Feiman, Maldonaldo & Snedeker (2020)

  • Friday, Mar 6. 1:30-3:00pm. Room 104.
    Donka Farkas (UC Santa Cruz)
    Canonical and non-canonical speech acts abstract

Fall 2019

  • Friday, Nov 8. 10:15-11:45am.
    Paloma Jeretič (NYU)
    Strengthening and scalemate association in the modal domain abstract

  • Friday, Oct 11. 10:30am-1:00pm.
    Donka Farkas (UCSC/Princeton)
    Uses of cross-linguistic semantics abstract

Spring 2019

  • Thursday, May 23. 12:00pm.
    Jacopo Romoli (Ulster)
    Homogeneity or implicature: an experimental approach abstract

  • Wednesday, May 8. 3:30pm.
    Simon Charlow (Rutgers)
    Local contexts in ellipsis abstract

  • Friday, May 3. 12:00pm.
    Friederike Moltmann (CNRS/NYU)
    The Core-Periphery Distinction in Syntax, Semantics, and Natural Language Ontology abstract

  • Friday, April 26. 12:00pm.
    Aurore Gonzalez (Harvard)
    Question-Answer Clauses: relation to focus abstract

  • Thursday, April 25. 11:00am. 4th floor lounge.
    Linmin Zhang (NYU Shanghai)
    Split semantics for non-monotonic quantifiers in than-clauses abstract

  • Friday, April 19. 10:15am.
    Veneeta Dayal (Yale)
    The Fine Structure of the Interrogative Left Periphery abstract

  • Friday, March 1. 10:15am.
    Sunwoo Jeong (Princeton)
    Deriving dual dimensions of bias: preposed negation questions with even-type expressions abstract

Winter 2019

  • Monday, January 7. 12:00pm.
    Ciyang Qing (Stanford)
    A modular approach to focus intervention effects abstract

Fall 2018

  • Friday, December 14. 10:15am.
    Haoze Li (NYU)
    A dynamic approach to short answers: A case study of Mandarin wh-conditionals abstract

  • Friday, December 7. 10:15am.
    Lucas Champollion, Anna Alsop, and Ioana Grosu (NYU)
    Free choice as a rational speech act abstract

  • Friday, November 30. 10:15am.
    Ekaterina Vostrikova (UMass)
    Phrasal and Clausal Exceptive-Additive Constructions Crosslinguistically abstract

  • Friday, November 9. 10:15am.
    Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)
    Unconditionals and free choice abstract

  • Friday, September 14. 10:15am.
    Jess H.-K. Law (Rutgers)
    Binominal each measures distributivity abstract

  • Friday, September 21. 12:30pm. Room 104.
    Joshua Knobe (Yale), in conjunction with Philippe Schlenker's seminar
    The Statistical, the Prescriptive, and the Undifferentiated. abstract

  • Tuesday, September 25. 1:45pm. Room 104.
    Yimei Xiang (Rutgers)
    A hybrid categorial approach of question composition. abstract

  • Friday, September 28. 10:15am.
    Sascha Alexeyenko (Göttingen)
    On Events, Habituals, and Generalized Quantifiers. abstract

  • Friday, October 26. 1:45pm.
    Alex Warstadt (NYU)
    Just refuses to answer the QUD abstract

Summer 2018

  • Tuesday, May 15. 12pm. Room 104.
    Amir Anvari (Jean-Nicod)
    Context-shift in Farsi, and the Ban Against Illeism abstract

  • Tuesday, May 15. 2pm. Room 104.
    Thom van Gessel (ILLC)
    Pair-list readings in Inquisitive Semantics abstract

Spring 2018

  • Monday, January 22. 12:30pm. 4th floor lounge.
    Hanzhi Zhu (MIT)
    Already, just scalarity abstract

  • Friday, March 23. 10:15am.
    Paul Pietroski (Rutgers)
    Confronting Existential Angst abstract

  • Friday, March 23. 1:45pm.
    Paloma Jeretič (NYU)
    Structured Questions abstract

  • Friday, April 13. 10:15am.
    Adina Williams (NYU)
    Representing Thematic Relations: Reconciling Neuroimaging Data with Formal Semantic Theory (Data Discussion) abstract

  • Friday, April 27. 10:15am.
    Ailís Cournane (NYU)
    Possibilities & Necessities: Acquiring the force dimension of modals abstract

Fall 2017

  • Friday, December 15. 10:15am.
    Hadas Kotek (NYU)
    Some Issues with Sluicing as Anaphora to Issues abstract

Summer 2017

  • Tuesday, May 16. 11am.
    Deniz Ozyildiz (UMass)
    Factivity alternations in Turkish abstract

  • Tuesday, May 16. 12:45pm.
    Linmin Zhang (Concordia)
    Ambiguous than-clauses and the mention-some reading abstract

  • Monday, May 22. 1:30pm.
    Halley Young (NYU)
    Formal Syntax and Semantics of Music abstract

  • Tuesday, May 23. 12pm.
    Prerna Nadathur (Stanford)
    Causality, aspect, and modality in actuality inferences abstract

  • Wednesday, August 30. 11am.
    Masha Esipova (NYU)
    Focus on what's not at issue: gestures, presuppositions, supplements under Contrastive Focus (SuB 22 practice talk) abstract

Spring 2017

  • Friday, February 10. 10:15am.
    Jeremy Kuhn (Institut Jean Nicod)
    Plurality and dependency: the view from sign language abstract

  • Friday, March 24. 10:15am.
    Sonia Kasyanenko (NYU)
    The Russian Comitative Construction as Relational-Noun Coordination abstract

  • Friday, April 7. 12pm.
    Peter Klecha (Swarthmore)
    Double Access is Due to Imprecision abstract

  • Friday, April 14. 12pm.
    Ai Taniguchi (Michigan State)
    Exclamatives in discourse abstract

  • Friday, April 21. 12pm.
    Elena Musi (Columbia)
    How did you change my view? A corpus-based study of consessions' persuasive role abstract

Fall 2016

  • Thursday, September 8. 3:30pm. 4th floor lounge.
    Paolo Santorio (Leeds)
    Stability: computing alternatives in conditional antecedents abstract

  • Wednesday, September 14. 10:30am. 4th floor lounge. (in conjunction with Philippe Schlenker's seminar on meaning in speech, sign, and gesture)
    Matthew Stone (Rutgers)
    Interpreting Multimodal Communicative Action abstract

  • Friday, September 16. 10:15am.
    WooJin Chung (NYU)
    Decomposing Permission and Obligation: Evidence from Korean abstract

  • Monday, September 26. 3:30pm. (in conjunction with Philippe Schlenker's seminar on meaning in speech, sign, and gesture)
    Gabe Greenberg (UCLA)
    The Structure of Visual Content abstract

  • Friday, September 30. 10:15am.
    Dipanjan Das (Google)
    Two Statistical Case Studies in Semantic Inference abstract

  • Friday, October 7. 11am.
    Masha Esipova (NYU)
    Contrast and distributivity in the semantics of alternation (NELS practice talk) abstract

  • Wednesday, October 12. 10am. 4th floor lounge. (in conjunction with Philippe Schlenker's seminar on meaning in speech, sign, and gesture)
    Natasha Abner (Montclair)
    Language Emergence and the Gesture-(Sign) Language Continuum abstract

  • Thursday, October 20. 12:30pm. 4th floor lounge.
    Koen Roelandt (CRISSP/KU Leuven)
    The Internal Logic of Adjectival Lexical Fields abstract

  • Friday, October 21. 10:15am.
    Sam Al Khatib (CUNY GC) and Yael Sharvit (UCLA)
    A new puzzle about ellipsis: evidence from tense embedding abstract

  • Friday, November 4. 10:15am.
    Diti Bhadra (Rutgers)
    Evidentials in Biased Questions abstract

  • Friday, November 4.
    Simon Charlow (Rutgers)
    Alternatives, and alternative semantics abstract slides

  • Monday, November 7. 3:30pm.
    Curt Anderson (Düsseldorf)
    Non-canonical uses of some abstract

  • Friday, November 18. 10:15am.
    Kata Wohlmuth (Pompeu Fabra)
    The collective-distributive ambiguity — a view from the corpus abstract

  • Friday, December 9. 10:15am.
    Daniel Hoek (NYU Philosophy)
    Conversational Exculpature and Loose Talk abstract

  • Friday, December 16. 10:15am.
    Veneeta Dayal (Rutgers)
    Local and Long-distance abstract

Summer 2016

  • Wednesday, June 29. 11am.
    Barry Schein (USC)
    Overview of the forthcoming book 'And': Conjunction Reduction Redux prospectus

  • Wednesday, July 6. 11am.
    Barry Schein (USC)
    DP and PredP coordination (chapters 2–7 of the forthcoming book 'And': Conjunction Reduction Redux prospectus)

  • Thursday, July 7. 4pm.
    Yoad Winter (Utrecht)
    Lexical reciprocity, logical symmetry, and protopredicates abstract

  • Wednesday, August 24. 3:30pm.
    Haoze Li (NYU)
    Event-related relative measurement abstract
    Linmin Zhang (NYU)
    Modified numerals revisited: the cases of fewer than 4 and between 4 and 8 abstract

Spring 2016

  • Friday, February 5. 10:15am.
    Hannah Rohde (Edinburgh)
    The context of alternatives abstract

  • Friday, February 12. 1:30pm. Room 104.
    Dylan Bumford (NYU)
    Split-scope definites: How 'the' can mean two things at once abstract

  • Friday, April 15. 10:15am.
    Thony Gillies (Rutgers)
    A problem about preference abstract

  • Monday, May 2. 3:30pm. (in conjunction with Chris Barker's Semantics II)
    Daniel Büring (Vienna)
    Unalternative Semantics abstract

  • Wednesday, May 4. 2pm.
    Chris Cummins (Edinburgh)
    Being rational with expressions of number abstract

  • Friday, May 6. 10:15am.
    Lucas Champollion (NYU)
    Homogeneity in donkey sentences abstract

Fall 2015

  • Friday, September 18. 10:15am.
    Haoze Li (NYU) and Jess Law (Rutgers).
    Alternatives in different dimensions: A case study of focus intervention abstract slides

  • Friday, September 25. 10:15am.
    Rob Pasternak (Stony Brook).
    Gradable modality: Putting degrees in the ordering source abstract

  • Friday, October 2. 10:15am.
    Itamar Kastner (NYU).
    Reciprocals reciprocalize themselves but reflexives reflexivize each other abstract

  • Friday, October 9. 2:00pm.
    Simon Charlow (Rutgers).
    Monadic dynamic semantics for anaphora abstract

  • Friday, October 23. 10:15am.
    Lelia Glass (Stanford).
    A foray into the lexical semantics of distributivity abstract handout

  • Tuesday, October 27. 1-3pm. Room 205.
    Daisuke Bekki and Ribeka Tanaka (Ochanomizu)

  • Friday, October 30. 10:15am. Room 104.
    Yael Sharvit (UCLA).
    Comparing theories of Sequence of Tense abstract

  • Friday, November 20. 10:15am.
    Una Stojnic (Rutgers)
    Modality, Coherence and Logic abstract

  • Thursday, December 3. 11:00am.
    Linmin Zhang (NYU)
    Comparatives revisited: Downward-entailing differentials do not threaten encapsulation theories abstract
    Jeff Lin (NYU)
    An Inquisitive Semantics Analysis for Chinese Polar Question Particle abstract

Spring 2015

  • Friday, February 6. 3:30pm, Room 104.
    Jeremy Kuhn (NYU).
    Meaning in space: singulars, plurals, and functions in American Sign Language abstract

  • Friday, March 27. 10:15am, Room 103.
    Tim Sundell (Kentucky) and David Plunkett (Dartmouth).
    Metalinguistic Negotiation abstract

  • Tuesday, April 28. 3:30pm, Room 104 (in conjunction with Anna Szabolcsi's seminar on questions).
    Maria Aloni (ILLC).
    Introduction to conceptual covers, puzzles of belief attribution

  • Wednesday, April 29. 1:30pm
    Linmin Zhang (NYU). abstract

  • Tuesday, May 5. 3:30pm, Room 104 (in conjunction Anna Szabolcsi's seminar on questions).
    Maria Aloni (ILLC).
    Concealed questions under conceptual covers

  • Wednesday, May 6. 1:30pm.
    Alexandre Cremers (ENS).
    Plurality effects with embedded questions and exhaustive readings abstract

  • Tuesday, May 12. 3:30pm, Room 104 (in conjunction Anna Szabolcsi's seminar on questions).
    Maria Aloni (ILLC).
    Epistemic indefinites and methods of identification

  • Friday, May 15. 10:15am.
    Masha Esipova (NYU).
    Coordinate distributivity in Russian and other languages abstract

  • Thursday, May 21.
    Workshop: The Music/Language Connection website

  • Wednesday, May 27.
    Workshop: Sign Language Meaning and Cognition website

  • Friday, June 26. 11am.
    Jeremy Kuhn (NYU).
    Dependent indefinites in dynamic plural logic abstract

Fall 2014

  • Friday, September 26. 10:15am.
    Jeff Lin (NYU).
    An Inquisitive Semantics Treatment of Question Particles abstract

  • Monday, September 29 (in conjunction with Philippe Schlenker's seminar on cross-modal semantics). 4:45pm.
    Kathryn Davidson (Yale).
    Role shift, iconicity, and quotation abstract

  • Friday, October 10. 10:15am.
    Linmin Zhang (NYU).
    Decomposing English 'and' and 'or'

  • Friday, October 17. 10:15am.
    Joshua Knobe (Yale).
    The Psychological Representation of Modality abstract

  • Friday, October 24. 10:15am.
    Marta Castella (Utrecht).
    Bare Predicates and Extrinsic Properties abstract

Spring 2014

  • Friday, January 31. 12pm, Room 103 (at the Syntax Brown Bag).
    Heather Burnett (Montréal).
    Diachronic Investigations into Compositional Semantics: The Rise and Fall of Resultative Secondary Predication Constructions in the History of French abstract

  • Friday, February 7. 3pm, Room 104.
    Simon Charlow (NYU).
    What's exceptional about indefiniteness abstract

  • Friday, March 7. 11am (in conjunction with NYU's Open House).
    Dylan Bumford (NYU).
    Universal quantification as iterated conjunction abstract

  • Friday, March 28. 10:15am.
    Manuel Križ (Vienna).
    Musings on Homogeneity and Non-Maximality abstract handout

  • Friday, April 4. 10:15am.
    Orin Percus (Nantes).
    Unpronounced indexicality abstract

  • Friday, May 9. 10:15am.
    Eva Poortman (Utrecht).
    Typicality Effects and Plural Predication abstract

  • Friday, May 16. 10:15am.
    Sam Alxatib (CUNY).
    Only and association with negative antonyms abstract

  • Friday, May 23. 10:15am.
    Philippe Schlenker (NYU, CNRS).
    Super Monsters: Role Shift and Context Shift Revisited abstract
    paper I paper II

Fall 2013

  • Friday, October 18. 10:15am, Room 103. Jay Atlas (Pomona).
    'Few', 'A Few', and 'Only' Noun Phrases, Non-Monotonic Quantifiers, and Negative Polarity Items excerpt handout manuscript

  • Friday, October 25. 10:15am. Salvador Mascarenhas (NYU).
    Interpreting the conjunction fallacy abstract

  • Friday, December 6. 10:15am, Room 103. Kristina Liefke (LMU).
    A Single-Type Semantics for Natural Language abstract slides

  • Thursday, December 13. 10:15am. Thomas Icard (CMU).
    Determining What Follows From What: Two Case Studies abstract

Spring 2013

  • Friday, February 8. 1pm. Igor Yanovich (MIT).
    The secret history of 'must' abstract

  • Friday, February 22. 10:45am. Linmin Zhang (NYU).
    A rate analysis of the binominal 'each' abstract

  • Friday, March 8. 10:45am. Simon Charlow (NYU).
    Ellipsis really is binding abstract

  • Friday, March 15. 10:45am. Jeremy Kuhn (NYU).
    ASL loci: Variables or features? abstract

  • Friday, March 29. 10:45am. David Erschler (Tübingen).
    Deriving clause-internal left periphery abstract

  • Friday, April 19. 10:45am. Dylan Bumford (NYU).
    Quantifier-Internal Anaphora and Generalized Association with Distributivity

  • Tuesday, May 7. 1:45pm, Room 104 (in conjunction with Chris Barker's seminar on adjectives). Timothy Leffel (NYU).

  • Friday, May 17. 10:45am. Lucas Champollion (NYU).
    Quantification and negation in event semantics abstract

  • Friday, May 24. 2pm, Room 103. David Beaver (UT Austin).

Fall 2012

  • Friday, October 5. 11am. Timothy Leffel (NYU), collab. with Radek Šimík and Marta Wierzba (Potsdam).
    Information structure and pronominal morphology in Basa'a (NELS prep)

  • Friday, October 12. 11am. Hanna de Vries (Utrecht).
    Sums, higher-order entities, and two kinds of distributivity

  • Thursday, October 18. 11am, Room 103. Hazel Pearson (ZAS Berlin).
    Logophoric pronouns are not obligatorily de se: evidence from Ewe

  • Friday, October 26. 11am. Dag Westerståhl (Stockholm), collab. with Stanley Peters (Stanford).
    On the semantics of possessives

  • Tuesday, November 27. 2:30pm. Salvador Mascarenhas (NYU).

  • Friday, November 30. 1pm. Allyson Ettinger (NYU) and Sophia Malamud (Brandeis).
    Mandarin utterance-final particle ba and conversational goals

  • Friday, December 14. 11am. Ivano Ciardelli (Amsterdam/ILLC).
    An inquisitive perspective on meaning abstract